With an intention to redefine the process of ordering creative designs for your various mediums and needs, is just one of the million ideas we have.We are Slant-90, bring to you Slant-90online.in, which is the first step towards our goal of design simplification process.
slant90.co is an complete online graphic design agency which offers completely customised graphic designs, and not readymade designs. So the design you get is thoughtfully personalised for you and and only new. Which results in each design being a new desing. Our mission is to provide you with customised design solutions Faster and Hassle free.
As a Business owner you need to look at a lot of things personally, which does include the brand building for your business, and that’s where we come in. We don’t want you to spend hours together, have multiple rounds of meetings,run behind designers or freelancers, to get the work done.
At Slant-90, we’ve put ourselves in your shoes and developed an easier, faster and a reliable solution called slant90.co the Simplest and the Fastest way to get your designs right in your inbox, without even stepping out of your office and spending hours together briefing and enlightening the freelancers and agencies about your requirement, so that your focus remains on your Business Development.
Imagine taking just a couple of minutes to place even the most challenging and complex design requirement, you have. Isn’t that simplified. And more over the designs what you get are not off the shelf. We mind map each and every design as per your requirement, so the exclusivity of the design remains with you.
That’s exactly we want you to do with us. We want to be the most used online creative graphic design agency. So don’t wait, go ahead, use us for any of the creative design requirement you have, Online, Offline, Events, Advertising, Branding, Wedding Creatives and so on.
Yes, just visit the site, click on your requirement, fill the brief, and get ready for your designs.
That’s a promise, if you don’t like any of our designs, you have the choice to cancel the order and we’ll refund your money. Please refer to our refund policy.
And yes, anytime you need to speak with us.. don’t hesitate, we are here to help you. Just write to us at rohit@slant90.co.in with your contact details, and someone from our team will connect with you and solve your doubts.